About Us

For Clients

As the client looking for a particular job to be carried out, the

platform operates as a simple method to browse through the

industry from your phone, computer or any other device.

Find the location, areas of expertise, experience and

competency of future correspondents without having to

guess who can manage the task. Connect with them and get

the job done.

For Professionals

As the Professional User, advertise your business and skills,

display your work, collaborate with other businesses, use the

platform as an alternative to creating a website, use the

platform to boost and channel traffic to your current website,

view how you measure up to your competition, Connect

directly with your target audience, no middle man.

For Companies

As the Company User, gain the attention of new business

and future employees, find new consultants, advertise your

uniqueness, drive customers to your website, capitalise on

more awareness of you.

For Entering a New Market

As the emerging professional, market yourself and your skills

to gain access to new networks and communities who were

previously unreachable. Use this new-found network to

procure new employment, partnerships, internships or even

for recruitment for a higher level of education.

For Institutions

As the Institute (schools), recruit new students, enrol new

colleagues, advertise new courses and even promote new

available positions.

For Professional Bodies

As the Professional body (JIA/ JIE etc), Publicise further awareness to

events, and happenings, boost public perception and encourage

greater support to the organisation rather than the usual few.

The Team

Chief Technical Officer
Co-founder, Head of Technology, Logistics and Development.
As CTO, with Justin’s expertise in Web Development, he is the Lead Software Developer. He initiates design cues for the team and provides technical input for the platform’s evolution. The Virtual properties of CONNEC are created by Justin and he ensures that the platform and domain are secure and dynamic.
Chief Executive Officer
Founder, Head of Design and Direction.
As CEO, he is in charge of conceptualising the platform’s function, flow and overall design. Decisions are based on input from the partners. However, Jamal oversees the overall vision, direction, plans, task assignment and role designation. He is responsible for the culture and identity of the platform.